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4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Incorrect Computer analysis- after I mated them it's an even position???#4

just imported the same game but got 21 centipawn loss and evaluation is correct: so definitely a bug, maybe with server code rather than stockfish

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect Computer analysis- after I mated them it's an even position???#1

After the mate in 2 it says it's 0.3 advantage to black? It's also giving "72" centipawn loss, which seems way too high

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Automatic takeback#15

Right but they're not playing chess on a board the size of my thumb and if you're playing someone with the equivalent to hand tremors, it's just boring to play a good game of chess only to win or lose…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Automatic takeback#13

This is an issue if playing chess on my phone. I'd say about 5-10% of my moves go wrong (especially playing shorter time controls). Maybe phones should get a bit more leeway?
