
Search "user:LevStolpner"

10 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Some moves not making a sound#19

I've tested it and when you premove, not only do you not hear a sound for your premove, you also don't hear a sound on opponent's move before your premove.

General Chess Discussion - Magnus wins Katara International Bullet Tournament Final#63

"Calculating that after 15...Kxf7 16. Qh5+ Kf8 17. Bd6+ Black could choose between 18... Bxd6 losing the queen and 18... Kg8 19. Qxe8#. " "Not missing a beat, Magnus gave up his queen and played 18...…

Lichess Feedback - Main page design#3

Of course, I can change zoom settings, but I don't know, if the rest of the pages will be normal after that. It would be better if responsive design behaved differently.

Lichess Feedback - Main page design#1

On my laptop main page design looks too big and bulky, some things can only be seen partly. Here is how it looks: Som…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish analysis problems with desperado rook#7

Not when I analysed it after the game)

Lichess Feedback - [SUGGESTION] What to do when player loses connection?#5

Do you lose connection when you go to the bathroom? It is a different case then.

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish analysis problems with desperado rook#5

46. Re2+ is the way to draw: 46. Re2+ Kd1 47. Rd2+ Kc1 - white can't check on c2, because 48...Nxc2 will be checkmate. So 48. Rd1+ Kc2 49. Rd2+ Kc3 50. Rxd3+ gets a draw, but Stockfish didn't spot it

Lichess Feedback - [SUGGESTION] What to do when player loses connection?#3

There are also players, who would wait for the last second to make a move in the losing position, hoping that you forget about your game or would not wait all the time in the tab. I lost few blitz gam…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish analysis problems with desperado rook#1 In this game, since the move 39 Stockfish cannot establish certain evaluation of the position. Before move 39 position is considered winning for black (-3.7) On m…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle is not educational#1

Puzzle: I found the correct move Qh3, threatening chekmate in two. Computer plays the best move in position: Kd8, saving most of the material, but it is not what white shoul…
