
Search "user:Tanaykarmakar"

7 forum posts
Game analysis - flag.exe#10

the time saved white :) and the black even though getting a move of victory gets defeated lucky!

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen versus Nepomniachtchi: FIDE World Championship Round 8#20

I don't think it's interesting.

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen versus Nepomniachtchi: FIDE World Championship Round 6#43

Now the game will be interesting, hands off to Carlsen for the endgame.

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen versus Nepomniachtchi: FIDE World Championship Round 5#23

If they are making the draw, that means they both are excellent players and in such time no one wins or loses

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen versus Nepomniachtchi: FIDE World Championship Round 4#20

Ok, the 4th draw between two grandmasters! Ready for the 5th draw!!!!

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen versus Nepomniachtchi: FIDE World Championship Round 3#24

Very good, a third draw! Waiting for the next draw.

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen versus Nepomniachtchi: FIDE World Championship Round 2#29

However, that's amazing that in two rounds Magnus and Nipo draw the game by threefold repetition. I guess it shouldn't"t be happening in the 3rd round
