
Search "user:chess240"

314 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Marked as cheater without reason#17

Just picked a game out of your history, analyzed it, and it was a perfect game. Why keep trying to defend yourself? Just make another account and don't cheat. I…

General Chess Discussion - Justice is served#18

But do you agree it would be easier for a 1300 to play a perfect game against a 1300 than against a 2800?

General Chess Discussion - How I defeated a grandmaster!#20

Pretty much agree with Toutatis on this one. As for beating a GM, congratulations! I recently completed a personal goal of beating every single title here on lichess (CM, NM, FM, IM, and GM). It took …

General Chess Discussion - Justice is served#16

You guys seem to be missing the point I'm trying to make and are getting all caught up in the details. My point is that it's not as difficult to play a perfect game against a beginner as it is against…

General Chess Discussion - Marked as cheater without reason#11

Most cheaters are also liars. Doesn't everyone realize this by now?

General Chess Discussion - Justice is served#11

#1 You're around a 1300 rating which means it would be fairly easy for most people to play perfect games against you.

Lichess Feedback - Favourite Opponents#2

Isn't favorite opponent an oxymoron?

General Chess Discussion - HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SUCH CHESS VIDEOS?#11

It's good to see people promoting chess. (And don't worry, everyone, this isn't Principa27 on another account.)

Lichess Feedback - Resign button#3

Why everyone asked to add a resign confirmation button when, if anything, not enough people resign and instead just quit the game is beyond me. Instead of making it more difficult to resign what about…

General Chess Discussion - Spamming of the forum #18

#9 and #11, sure there are multiple definitions of the word "rape." But if you actually looked it up in the dictionary yourself you'd see that the definition you're referring to is listed as "archaic.…
