
Search "user:elvena"

15 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to Detect Cheaters#43

@worldconqueror2013 said in #42: > bruh you guys dont dont speak at ALL about what is this forum post about. True, sorry.

General Chess Discussion - How to Detect Cheaters#41

Well, 1740 downhill to 1540 and people at this level just keeps playing HARD for me (and some times) awesome accuracy... Lot of people saying the exact same thing at the exact same period of time Yeah…

General Chess Discussion - How to Detect Cheaters#39

Im getting SMASHED, lot of "closed accounts" in the zillions I've reported, f*** this ****

General Chess Discussion - Are players suddenly playing better?#58

many games suddenly seem harder: lost 140 points. Finding a thread describing exactly the same thing I was thinking, priceless. For me ,just puzzles for now.

General Chess Discussion - Is the bullet player pool better than the classical player pool?#9

#8, thanks zerdax. I supposed they don't compensate because it is somewhat easily exploitable by the user as latency could be manipulated from user's side ... I now wonder if there is someone doing it…

General Chess Discussion - Is the bullet player pool better than the classical player pool?#4

Just one more aspect of this difficult question, the user's ping (latency) should be considered. For example, sometimes I have 700ms ping this means 1.4s lost on each full move. 700ms for your move to…

General Chess Discussion - Guess why?#11

I'm agree with #8, I'm more likely to think that you are probably not seeing something than other people + engine not seeing it! But I'll delighted to be proven wrong. Anyway, how deep you calculated …

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Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 9876#8

I think it is incorrect because you are adding an irrelevant move to the original checkmate, not a *truly* different mating sequence, IE: you are not doing the checkmate in a DIFFERENT way. I think th…

General Chess Discussion - Cheaters are killing lichess : a systemic problem#26

Hi, I think that adding a constraint (like soccer divisions) for playing tournaments will work good, for example, being registered for one month in lichess AND playing regularly. This way, the cheater…
