
Search "user:littlelychee"

109 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - "Kasparov's Rice Gambit"#1

An XKCD comic that's vaguely chess-related?

Off-Topic Discussion - Total Eclipse (April 8, 2024)#10

@Toscani said in #1: > Zoom in to see the path limits... As it progresses from southwest to northeast the total time diminishes. Interesting! @MIHIR_KATTI said in #9: > What do we see if We are not on…

Off-Topic Discussion - Would you recommend a phone platform that is not iPhone or Android?#16

@AsDaGo said in #7: > Personally, I just don't use a phone at all. Same here, but some websites have a disgusting thing about asking for phone verification, and then I can't figure out what to do.

Off-Topic Discussion - The history of Lichess#5

Also, if you'd like to experience actually playing on those old Lichess versions, there's two sites I know of that still run them:

Off-Topic Discussion - How much chess do you know?#8

@HyperioXHell said in #7: > get rickrolled lol Rickrolling is *so* last decade.

Off-Topic Discussion - Opinions on anime...#3

@stockfish395 said in #1: > There seems to be a growing hate for anime on the internet... If something is popular, some people hate it, regardless of how useful, good, or objectively correct it is. > …

Off-Topic Discussion - Your take on ai generated images#27

@mortmann said in #26: > isnt that good to have machines and ai working for us so we have to work less? the goal of life is certainly not to put people in wage labor ;) The problem is that the unemplo…

Off-Topic Discussion - Your take on ai generated images#25

@mortmann said in #24: > i agree, and thats why i doubt an AI in john does hand, available to everyone, would be that dangerous or more dangerous to what we have now. It only takes one word to explain…

Off-Topic Discussion - Your take on ai generated images#23

@mortmann said in #22: > 1. cheap ai accessible to anyone sounds to me like "power to the people". so i support this. (also the rokos basilisk ai could decide to spare me, if i supported it ;) The big…
