
16 Best Chess YouTube Channels

GothamChess at 2 is debatable. You get excelent chess content from other listed channels with less klickbait.
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I don't think you're gonna learn a lot from Hikaru, Botez, and Anna Cramling, If you play chess only for fun feel free to watch these channels but if you are serious about your chess I think you should stick to channels that are 100% content like Hanging Pawn and ChessCoach Andras
@Machiavelism said in #4:
> I don't think you're gonna learn a lot from Hikaru, Botez, and Anna Cramling, If you play chess only for fun feel free to watch these channels but if you are serious about your chess I think you should stick to channels that are 100% content like Hanging Pawn and ChessCoach Andras
I missed ChessCoach Andras channel. Will add it in the next update.
@nikhildixit said in #5:
> I missed ChessCoach Andras channel. Will add it in the next update.
I also found Miodrag Perunovic's channel very useful, unfortunately channels like this that are only focus on chess don't get lots of subscribers
@Machiavelism said in #6:
> I also found Miodrag Perunovic's channel very useful, unfortunately channels like this that are only focus on chess don't get lots of subscribers
I will check that channel too.
No Naroditsky? Props for including Hanging Pawns though and I would also recommend Miodrag Perunovic.
Missing Daniel Naroditsky's channel is a major oversight. One of the best educational chess youtubers out there. Easily my personal number one spot. He is just so good at conveying his thoughts in each position.