
Automatic 'Withdraw' for swiss tournaments

When playing swiss tournaments, one game a day or week, very often players don't show up to the game. This is very annoying and frustrating for the opponent, who show up and expect a game.
I therefore suggest that as soon as an round ends all players are automatic withdrawn, and have to join again before the next round. For the first round all players are marked withdrawn 10 min before the round, and will therefor actively has to show that they are ready to play.
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Wonderful. Thanks for the information. Will forward it to team leaders.
@briankieslich The rule you are mentioning is already there moreover those who always does this in swisses are violated (ban from playing in any tournaments) and there something called Entry requirements while creating swisses which helps you to avoid players who does this, it won't allow user to play in any swisses till another 24 hours.
@Syeda_Faiza If you play classical with one game per day or week, a 24 hour ban doesn't help much. And with classical times it is even worse to sit and wait the whole time.
@briankieslich in that case you have to play arenas instead of swisses, in arenas even if it's classical you only have to wait for 30 secs and then you will be claimed as winner.
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That's true, Swiss system on Lichess is the best! I conduct swiss tournaments too, players love it but there's always a problem my team members complain about, and that's other players timing out themselves in the games which lose the interest of opponent to play further? I know it's not Lichess' fault, it's player's fault but as the above user mentioned that he is struggling to play in Swiss tournaments, am just giving my suggestion to him/her.
as we speak there is another total fail of a tournament going on 3 rounds finished, in 2 I had no-shows. Why is this allowed to continue? Anybody who is not online for start of the round should be automatically excluded from the tournament... In total I've wasted 40 minutes (2 x 10 min each x 2). I don't care about points, ranking etc. I just want to play chess.

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