
3-fold repetition button does not work - therefore 5-times is needed to force a draw?

Yesterday I played 2 strange games and I probably faced a bug/glitch?

We played the following games: after occuring 3 times THE IDENTICAL position - the button "claim a draw" is visible and I click on it a few times (!) and it does not work (the game should be terminated with a draw immediately after pressing this button). Therefore we needed to repeat the position for 5 times (instead of three).

Now the question to lichess team: is that a bug or glitch... or are there any new regulations to a draw?

1) GAME 1:

2) GAME 2:

BTW. In 99% of cases using lichess service I have not faced ANY problems. That's why I am pretty much surprising :)
@thinkerteacher said in #1:
> is that a bug or glitch

When something misbehaves, but only for an instant before it goes back to normal, we call it a glitch. When software (or hardware) doesn't do what it is supposed to, we call it a bug. Most glitches are bugs. In my experience, most bugs are not glitches.

I can't speak to any bugs that may have crept into the draw system recently. But I can comment that once I my preferences so that Lichess auto-claims threefold draws for me ("Claim draw on threefold repetition automatically"), I haven't had to worry about it.
The FIDE laws of chess say:

> 9.2.1 The game is drawn, upon a correct claim by a player having the move, when the same position for at least the third time (not necessarily by a repetition of moves):
> is about to appear, if he first indicate his move by writing on the paper scoresheet or entering move on the electronic scoresheet, which cannot be changed, on his scoresheet and declares to the arbiter his intention to make this move, or
> has just appeared, and the player claiming the draw has the move.

This means it has to be your turn to claim a draw, and you have to do so BEFORE you make your move. Is that how you pressed the button?
@mcgoves said in #2:
> Most glitches are bugs. In my experience, most bugs are not glitches.

I've been rethinking the above statement. Bugs and glitches are really different types of things entirely. A bug is a flaw in the software or hardware. It's there even when things are powered off. A glitch isn't part of the hardware or software; it is in the data or signals generated by those things. A glitch might be CAUSED by a bug, but it isn't a bug.

Usually, a bug describes a flaw in a digital system (i.e. a "computer"). A glitch usually describes data output from an analog electrical system. Or, if it's in a digital computer, it is in the analog signals that are interpreted as digital ones, like a voltage to a transistor. But I suppose there are counter-examples. "Usually, my rating hovers around 1500, but it briefly glitched up to 1600!"
<Comment deleted by user>
I pressed the button EACH time (after each of my move and my opponent's move) after the draw button appeared (was activated), but nothing happened.

There was NO additional rule to be take into consideration as:
1) the possibility to make a castle (0-0 or 0-0-0)
2) the possibility to make en passant move (at neither of the games the en passant was possible).
3) the possibility to promote a piece (there was not such a case in our games as well).

Therefore ALL the Fide rules related to claiming a draw based on 3-fold repetition was fulfiled (was in force) in the games above.

BTW. In my case in the option I turned on is "Claim draw on threefold repetition automatically" with the option "when time remaining <30 seconds". It is for safety reasons when my opponents want to flag me. I would not be able to click that quickly the buttom "claim the draw" having a few seconds on the clock (especially in the heat of battle).
@thinkerteacher said in #6:
> I pressed the button EACH time (after each of my move and my opponent's move) after the draw button appeared (was activated), but nothing happened.

Just so it's not left unsaid... I presume you either DOUBLE-clicked each time, or disabled "Confirm resignation and draw offers".

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