
New "your turn" indicator


Does the new "your turn" indicator cause issues for anyone else? Instead of the "rotating" bars, there's a blinking (or rather switching) favicon now. On my netbook (which is somewhat slow but usually doesn't have such problems) using Chrome this is causing some annoying lag.
A lag by switching an icon twice a second, seriously?

Does it happen to other players as well?
Creating new game and entering game took a few seconds for me (from near instantly).
(OP again.) I wouldn't write a bug report if it wasn't that annoying. Just to give you an impression: I don't even see it change twice a second, for me it changes more like once in three seconds, another indication that something's going wrong.

To be more specific on the lag: It's not about connection speed but about moving pieces. When I try to drag a piece somewhere, the piece moves behind the mouse pointer in a jerking kind of way and I get a CPU load of around 70%.

On the other hand, I don't get any lag when playing against the computer -- it seems that the indicator is not active there, right?

I'm curious why this particular thing is so slow. I'm on a 1.66 GHz dual core machine using Chrome 22 and everything else works as usual.
(OP once again) I just tried it in Firefox and it works just fine. So the issue must be Chrome-related ...
As for me, my last 3 games were smooth as butter on FF and chromium.

Probably just my connection.
@terracotta: It could also be the case that your machine is better. As I said, this only happens on my laptop.
OP: that's a good bug report, thanks. I'm a bit annoyed tho because I see no other fix than reverting back to static icon and page title notifications. Gotta think about it some more. I'll look for chrome bug reports and favicon canvas perf issues, see if I can do some caching or something.
@thibault Thanks for all the effort! Don't worry, if there's nobody else with the same problem, I'll just stick with Firefox.
I've set up a compromised solution. Firefox uses favicon, and others use document.title. Let me know if it indeed fixes your chrome perf problems.

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