
Time clock not updating correctly with lag

I am sorry if this has been discussed somewhere already.

It seems to me that the clock in the game sometimes fails to update correctly when I am playing with a very dicey connection.

I am not complaining about my clock ticking down when my internet jumps, that's expected behaviour in my book. But sometimes the clock doesn't warn me this happened.

Here are two recent examples which seem like bugs to me:
- I play a slow game that I follow both on a computer with a horrible connection and a good connection on my phone. When inputting a move on my computer, it takes 30 seconds to get registered (which I don't complain about). But after my computer manages to connect to lichess and it is registered, the time clocks show different times on my phone and my computer. I don't know which one to trust.

- I play a slow game on my computer and the connection jumps a lot. I still have 20 seconds on my clock but lichess suddenly tells me I lost the game because of time out. As if the time shown by the clock was wrong. This is the game where it happened:

I can try to record video examples if there is some interest.

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