
lichess is unfair at times pls take action

Now there was a tournament i lost one game and won one there were only two people and i am less rated but the first prize is not mine and atleast thats okay but there is no increase in rating and it is showing that only one game was played and the other person won it.....not fair
It was out of time.

Very awkward arena to begin with (who hosted it? And why?)
I mean, 90 minutes, but no more than 2 ppl interested, first you play one game and then one hour later you rematch ...
Both games were rated, the second one probably ended after the arena finished, so no tourney points there.

And the ranking in the tourney seems perfectly fine.
When I was playing in a tournament , lichess gave me less time in compare of other players....NOT FAIR!!!!
@nedhya_paliwal said in #6:
> When I was playing in a tournament , lichess gave me less time in compare of other players....NOT FAIR!!!!
You zerked?
@nedhya_paliwal said in #6:
> When I was playing in a tournament , lichess gave me less time in compare of other players....NOT FAIR!!!!

Like here?

Do you even understand what Berzerk means? Or do you just press the buttons because they look funny? ;-)

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