
Can We Get Some More Board Themes Please? Or Have Option To Change Color


I think lichess is better than But one thing that has is some better board theme options. I like their "icy sea board". What makes a good online board, imo, is one that is pretty, and not straining on the eyes. This is why I use the "marble" board theme, because the colors are nice and dark, but still clearly show the difference between light and dark squares, and you can also clearly distinguish the pieces. My favorite board would be the blue marble theme, but the colors are a little too bright, and so I find it a bit disorienting. It would be great if I could change the color of that board, to tone it down, then it would be great.

Actually, I find most the majority of the board themes to be hard on the eyes. Can we get the option to change the hue or brightness of the board? That would be great. Or if not, can we get some board themes that are noice looking, like THANKS!!!!
Have you tried the dark board background? Might be what you're looking for
@JimiRecard Thanks, but I want my board to look like coral marble. Green and black marble would be my ideal board. Or blue and white marble that doesn't hurt eyes. These are my dream boards.

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