
Feature request: Avoid Leavers

@Toadofsky It's not about the time out, it's about the pairing. I just don't want to play with those people.
My response was with regard to #7 suggesting the "Claim Victory" timeout be changed.

I agree with #3 that leavers are punished.
@Toadofsky if you @ me i can see better if you respond ;-)

i am pretty sure that if people get disconnections all the time that then this is the provider (because, as i said already, i had this once with Vodafone). It is most definitely not the mini amount of traffic caused by Lichess.

If i am not wrong some providers disconnect people from time to time for technical reasons (i think it is to prevent people mass downloading). However, some providers do this too excessive. They should do this once per day but they do it once per five minutes. This saves them a lot of traffic. Of course this means that Lichess, which uses a constant connection per game can not do its work properly.

I am pretty sure that this behaviour by providers is not completely legal, at least it is a reason to terminate a contract.

So, the people who complain about getting disconnected all the time should:

1) contact their providers to fix this.
2) If the provider cannot fix it, then they should consult a Lawer and send a letter to the provider
3) if it still doesnt get better then chancel the contract with the provider.

As i said already, i had this once with Vodafone. They disconnected me all the time. I lost every game because of this. I first asked them to fix it, they typed some keys into their Laptop at the support desk, but nothing got better. Then i brought the equipment back and basically said "Sue me, im gonna explain it to the judge". Then a lawer sent me some FUD letters (Vodafone sells this to lawers for money, it is a business), to which i once responded, explaining the issue (in Germany you actually only have to respond if it is a letter which comes directly from the court. You dont need to respond to Lawers). After three or four letters the lawer had learned that i am willing to go to court and stopped.

Again, this is not Lichess responsibility. In 2018 ANY SERIOUS PROVIDER should in my opinion support a (regarding traffic) minimal wep app like Lichess or it is a scam. I mean, this is not Youtube. A Lichess user does not at all behave potentially amoralic like eg a mass downloader does (yeah we can also argue about that). So every sane court in the world will say: Provider, you must support a low traffic connection for hours or you are not delivering a good service.

Again, note, this is my opinion, please contact a lawer before you cancel contracts :-)

Edit: also note that i had this in every second game, it did not just happen once per three hours or so.
#14: Now we need still an explanation, why the evil providers of these poor souls disconnect precisely, after poor soul has blundered a piece.
@sheckley666 i guess they are watching :-)

Dont get me wrong, i did not write this to give an excuse for ragequitters, but i want that the 'claim win' button always appears fast. Like ten seconds max.
I agree with Toxygene. A feature that with settings to not accept game if players have same "game ending" over some %.

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