
Puzzle Rush

@thibault (main boss of lichess)

What about creating a poll visible (or easy to find) to each player to vote for this feature?

I think it would be a good idea if there are more than a few bunch of players who badly need Lichess "Puzzle Rush".

I would be in heaven if Lichess could introduced this feature! is a very nice implementation of "Puzzle Rush" idea, but I think Lichess could do it even better (something similar like based on
#73 We're not FIDE: we don't do things by majority vote. See

An internet search for "chess puzzles timed" even finds (having a measly 8 votes) indicating that has blitz puzzles. Also has timed puzzles; used to have them. I guess my point is that timed puzzles have been done several times before and the only reasons "Puzzle Rush" are popular are:
1. Marketing; people are unaware of other sites & software, and watch masters "enjoying" it
2. It's a paywalled feature. Non-paywalled features of that site (4-player chess, bughouse) would have been more popular had they used a similar pricing model.
"What about creating a poll visible (or easy to find) to each player to vote for this feature?"

Suppose it got 1000 votes - then what? 1000 out of many many users? Which percentage is high enough? Who decides? Suppose 51% say yes - then what? You're going to compel people who work on Lichess for free in their spare time to do some work to satisfy the mob?

"I think it would be a good idea if there are more than a few bunch of players who badly need Lichess "Puzzle Rush"."

No-one *needs* Puzzle Rush. (Why would it be good if such people existed, though?)

I notice most of the people who are interested in being able to play Puzzle Rush on Lichess don't seem to be quite as quick with the keyboard when it comes to finding their way to the contribute link (


Do not take me wrong - I do not order (nor insist) anyone to create this feature. I simply share my opinion. I do not want to force anyone to do anything. Everyone decidces for himself.

I hope you know what I mean. My intenion was not to force anyone to do "what I badly need". I just wanted to add few cents to this spcific topic. As far as I know it is not forbidden.

Thanks a lot for pointing out this website! It is very nice to practice tactics - very similar to Puzzle Rush!
Let's NOT innovate.

Let's acknowledge that made a great thing and copy the concept wholesale, with proper attribution. Avoid not-invented-here syndrome. Others have made timed puzzles before, but clearly this particular dialect works very well.

This is my suggestion: Ask nicely, if they mind lichess copying the concept and the name "puzzle rush". If they're OK with it, then implement it with the same rules, and credit on the puzzle rush page in a noticeable but unobtrusive way.

They might not be OK with it; they might want to trademark the term and avoid commoditising it. In that case we need another name like the suggested "tactics rush" and all options for how it should work are back on the table. Just let's give them a chance to be generous first.

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