
35 server analysis a day? Not really

<Comment deleted by user>
It is 35/day and 160/week, although there are additional conditions:
- Your own games count 1
- Games not played by you (e.g. friends games) count 2
- Imported games count 2.
Yup. Most likely, you are hitting the conditions Deadban mentioned.

Though for completeness:
- In this case, days are demarcated by UTC times.
- There is also an additional higher limit per IP which you could be hitting if many people in your WiFi are using Lichess (especially if you are using something like a university or hotel network).
- And as mentioned in the other thread linked in #1, if you already used over two-thirds of your weekly limit it goes down to 20/day so that you don't accidentally use up your whole weekly limit and can't analyze for multiple days in a row.

And there is no such thing as building up a quota.

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