
How long does it take to "get good"?

@Mike16Gr said in #109:
> waaait
> If 2000 lichess is about 1800 USCF then with 2400 would it be about NM??
I think so
As Alessia Santeramo says, you have to do many, many tactics exercises but above all understand the exercises and why they are right and why we were wrong. Without understanding it becomes just a nonsense memory activity and without improving one's game. It takes a long time but in the end you make it.
@huji46 said in #67:

> I would strongly recommend your little one to play puzzles each day. This site has a great set, and gameknot have lots of puzzles as well.
He does. His rating is around 2000, could be more if he spends a little more thinking time there.
He misses basic things like when to castle to what side, how to play with or against isolated/hanging pawns, and much more, so he lacks a plan. I hoped that he'll get some input in the club, but the group is too heterogeneous.
@Mike16Gr said in #109:
> waaait
> If 2000 lichess is about 1800 USCF then with 2400 would it be about NM??
2000 lichess what? Classic? Or hyper bullet? Big difference. And even then...older guys are slower in bullet, but will crush you otb anyways.
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@ShadrachO said in #116:
> Its relatively simple, the more work you put in= the better you become. If i play 30 games a week for 2 months i will be better then someone who plays 3 games a week for a year. How good you become is relative to the hard work you put in. It is not relative to time but effort. Positive correlation between effort=success.

Thats not correct. I gained 50 Elo in 10 years with intense study. 200-300 online tactics, daily endgame training, reading chess book + couple rapid games and analysisand I had coaching some years in it.

And I quit chess, take 1-2 years break, played casually for a year and gained 250 Elo. I am 35 by the way. There are tons of factors. And improvements in your life quality directly affects your chess too. When I take break from chess I did a lot of programming and some competitive card gaming like MTG. It might be a factor too, idk.
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