
Mobile App

I'm still having those issues on iphone and ipad. Quick pairing works. Lower half of the screen is constantly spinning.
I'm still having consistent problems with the app, though occasionally things seem to improve for a few minutes.

The issue could therefore be on the server side. It seems like it's been going on for a while (lots of complaints about app behavior on the iOS review board, as someone mentioned above).

Since it seriously reduces the usability of Lichess away from the desktop/laptop, it would be really nice to see a fix.
Experiencing many of the same issues as described above, tapping "about" forces a sign in window, which allows sign in but daily puzzle and online friends are not responsive/loading....

Has Lichess replied to anyone re these issues? is this a known problem..

iPhone XS running latest software and version of the liChess app

I'm still having issues on Android. It works fine if I go to in my phone browser, but I much prefer to use the app on mobile.
Hello devs,

I still have this issue today, not signed in on app start, Sign In button does nothing.

Platform: iOS, version 14.4.2
Lichess version: 7.11.1

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