
Bug with puzzle dashboard: replaying a puzzle from the history modifies the rating per theme

Hi, I am reporting what I think is a bug with the puzzle dashboard.

I'm currently playing 1 puzzle a day (random theme, normal difficulty).
I'm also replaying the last failed puzzle from my puzzle history (to try to improve by remembering my error and redoing some calculations).

Replaying a puzzle is not taken into account for puzzle rating (great feature, it is impossible to cheat the puzzle rating by playing always the same set of puzzles).
But I noticed that replaying a puzzle from the history (successful or failed) is taken into account into the performance of the dashboard, the rating per themes and percent of puzzles solved.
--> shouldn't the dashboard ignores the replay of past puzzles in the figures to provide more accurate estimation of performance per theme and solving percentage?
This is confusing to track progress for instance (>50% solved).

It seems my bug report was lost in the flow of posts.

No-one else has experienced this behaviour using the training dashboard?

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