
Lichess voice beta suggestions

So far, I played a few games and the feature has worked very well. Very cool idea by the way.
Hi, I have played a few games but it gets confused and doesn't recognize simple letters. I keep on repeating the letters then it shows colour/numbers.
Try clicking the help button. It's got an "i" on it and it's near the microphone.
Hi, whenever I click the microphone it works, the yellow bright light on the microphone shows up but whenever I say something like "e4" "e5" or anyother things, Its like "yo bro what should i do".. I have even saw all the commands in the "i" section.
If the microphone says "yo bro what should i do", could be a bug.
@schlawg said in #7:
> If the microphone says "yo bro what should i do", could be a bug. That was a joke, the mic is just statue doing nothing.
I know, I was just joking myself.

Did you check your browser console? If it’s an audio issue, sometimes that can show up in the logs.
Can I ask about the Lichess Voice Recogniton progress?

What is the present stage we are with this project? Is it possible for lichess to integrate it into their system (platform)?

Another question is related to the idea of audiio connection to discuss or analyse the game or specific position. Is it possible to make similar option as the lichess study - that you just allow your partner you invited to talk?

If such feature is already done and it is working - please share the link to that and provide a short description (especially when you use this one).

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