
Takeback etiquette

In a rapid game, my opponent had checkmate in one but accidentally moved his rook to the wrong square. He was really upset when I wouldn't accept his takeback request. Is that wrong of me?
Nothing wrong of you, he mouse slipped which is his mistake
If it bothers you, you can also disable takebacks. This means that neither you nor your opponent can request takebacks.
Yes, morally it is wrong. Why not allow the takeback if it was an obvious slip ? What did you gain from not allowing it ? You obviously lost the admit it, allow the take back and learn from your mistakes!
I think it ok to insist on refusing to take back the move. I understand that the opponent was angry since he was so close to checkmate. But moved means moved.
For me anyway, I think of take back as a "gift". Super nice of you if you offer/accept it, but honestly you cannot demand it.
I think this is a lot less clear-cut than what people are making it out to be. There really can be two philosophies...

1. Never accept takebacks. Evidently, for rating purposes, everyone makes mouseslips and most people don't give takebacks so inherently giving take backs deflates your rating and inflates your opponents. This argument doesn't really hold up though because over a long period of time/many games your rating will stabilize appropriately regardless.

2. Give takebacks if obvious mouse-slip. This seems like the moral thing to do especially if the slip was obvious. Golden rule applies here pretty clearly.
Vos por algo no te habias rendido todavia ¿Cierto? Porqué esperabas a su error, si tu oponente tuvo un "error" fuiste lo suficientemente inteligente para darte cuenta y aprovecharlo. Porque si no te das cuenta, él rival estaria feliz de darte jaque mate. Saludos
Takebacks are a courtesy. It's entirely your own fault if you mouse slip or make a mistake.

Don't expect them to be granted. And no, your opponent would not act immorally declining your request, however obvious the mistake/mouse slip had been. In fact, takebacks do not exist in over-the-board competitive chess.

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