
Material Doesn't matters, Position does.

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Have you ever seen a Smothered Mate.
Many times We just have a Knight and still checkmate. Refer this FEN.- qk5r/ppp4p/4Q3/2N5/8/8/KP6/5b2 w - - 0 1
I mean you can jettison even more, without the Ra1 it would probably be the same.
No material matters.If you have only king,and if your opponent has 7 queens,position is nothing.
Eh, what? White is down one pawn and on the other hand is nearly fully developed while Black is not.

Its not completely surprising that Stockfish announces mate in 10 for White.
Material always matters.

Sometimes, however, there are things that matter more.
Sometimes, however, there are things that do not matter more.

Knowing to consider, ask, and answer these questions is the process of 'chess'.

Chess is first and foremost a cost-benefit debate that you have with yourself.

Chess, then, is your arguments that you've created and produced into the position, stacked up and objectively compared against that of your opponent's arguments.

How cool is that?

Yup. That's very cool.

Chess For Life
If my king's position was right next to the enemy queen and in check, then the king would win because it would just take the queen.

When u say position matters more, that's true, but like

kinda obv

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