
how do you break out of the long held blitz habit and actually start taking longer games serious

even when i played longer games i played them the same way the longer the time the more i got distracted i managed to just about as well across a span of games but why is this how do i grow into longer games
Ask questions! Like... Where would my pieces feel best in accordance to weaknesses in my opponents structure? What weaknesses are in my structure and what is the best way to address them?

Consider every move, and consider a better move than your best candidate.

If you busy yourself being curious and finding as many questions and answers as possible, time will pass naturally and you'll develop a better understanding of your chess game.

my two cents at least xD
Hey there, I don't want to take up any of your time but if it could be of any good use to you then perhaps I can give you something I used to accomplish precisely that and a little more. I never had the attention span to study theory or even scan the board- not even my king's seat! Then I found a product that changed things for me for good. My attention span has gone up higher than I can count and my concentration is better too! ... I even have more spare time to play chess and now, when I do, my girlfriend carefully undresses and poses nude for my peripherals gently successively not to disturb but to ensure I have the will! She used to bitch until I gave up 35 seconds into a bullet. I thought it would never end. Now it is a riot. Good luck is bullshit, study!
It is a matter of SERIOUS DECISION. Without that nothing can be done.

When you make a decision that you want to play better and create more ideas as well as checking out the variations... the time flies very fast. How fast? If now you can play the entire game just using 6 minutes (3+0 and both sides uses all the time) or 10 minutes (the same conditions, but 5+0)... you will have to slow down and start playing games like 10+0, 10+5, 10+10 and next 15+0, 15+10, 15+15. This way you can start extending your blitz habit and delay all the nervous reactions.

Taking game serious requires SERIOUS approach. You need to focus on the moves - yours and your opponents, and check out if there is any tactics, what are the weaknesses at your or your opponents camp, etc.

This way if you need to check out up to 10 elements... you may not be able to play fast moves... AS LONG AS you check out if that move is good enough at the specific position.

And what I especially recommend is to find players (favourite streamers!) who like playing longer games. It does not mean if these games are played at the simultaneous exhibition or with the individual platers (like you).

Hope that helps ;) :)
I don't know what slowfaust is talking about, but I'm pretty sure that Lichess is their girlfriend.
If you see a good move, wait, do not play it, you might find a better one" - Lasker
What is it about obsessive chess players telling other players they have to get "serious" about chess? Chess is a game and games should represent the lighter side of life. I'm a 68 year old man, rated about 2000, and I don't own a single chess book and chess is that LAST thing in life I want to get "serious" about.

This quote by the great Paul Morphy illustrates what I believe is a proper attitude about the game:

"Chess never has been and never can be aught but a recreation. It should not be indulged in to the detriment of other and more serious avocations - should not absorb or engross the thoughts of those who worship at its shrine, but should be kept in the background, and restrained within its proper province. As a mere game, a relaxation from the severe pursuits of life, it is deserving of high commendation."

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