
Request of implementing new feature in tournaments: the multiple berserk

While playing a 5+0 Atomic tournament, I was paired against a much lower rated player. It was then I had the idea that I would have liked the possibility to have this new feature implemented.

In the same optional way as the Berserk, why don't we introduce the possibility to perform Berserk multiple times? Each time the time would be cut in half and it would yield an additional point in case of a win.
Before discarding this idea immediately, please think about 2 things:
1) this would render the tournaments even more exciting, since in the last few games a lot of players would "gamble" in order to have a last chance to catch up (thus the winner would remain even more undetermined until the very end)
2) additional constraints and rules could be placed in order to "not abuse" of this feature. Examples might be that only up to 3 consecutive berserks can be performed and/or that this option becomes available only during the last 5/10 minutes of the tournament.

I am eager to know what you think of this: all positive and negative comments are welcome (but please keep them constructive and not limited to "yes no", since I am genuinely curious)
Interesting idea, but the rewards and penalties would need thinking about. Would it lead to players spending more time calculating how many times to berzerk than on the actual chess?
#2 I don't think I understand your objection: deciding whether to berserk or not (being it single time as of now or multiple times) is something which is done before the first move is played, so it would cost no game time. Of course the time allotted to make the first move should remain the same.

Anyway, I see that quite some people like this idea. Do you know how to bring this to the developers' attention? I still think it might be a new exciting feature to add. @ProgramFOX any idea or thought about this?
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Re rewards, how are you going to award draws? It might be funny if a win gets you 10 points but a draw only one, lol.
At the moment, you think "berzerk or not?" in a second and it might take longer to think "how many times to berzerk?"

Also, what about "collusion": say, I berzerk once, then you do too, and then we realize that we can gain a lot of points if we both berzerk e.g. five times? Think prisoner's dilemma?

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