
Search "user:Plainsong"

10 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Hacked!?!?#7

@Yalturkmani A similar thing happened to me once. In my account history, I noticed a tournament game that I never knew I joined, and that I apparently forfeited for leaving early. I think it was from …

General Chess Discussion - Online chess and the lockdown#2

Decently done. You have a solid message that runs throughout. There's some minor grammar and syntax to clean up, but even so, I enjoyed it overall. Thank you for sharing.

Off-Topic Discussion - Original poetry from Lichess users to Lichess users. (Please no copy/paste)#4

There once was black with a knight, White, down three pawns, had a fright, They ran down the board Horde against horde ... to end in a draw, not a fight.

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Off-Topic Discussion - Is it ever OK to assassinate a political leader? by GianMarco#16

@GianMarcoDorio I don't know nearly enough about McKinley to have an opinion either way. I have some faith in the integrity of the American people as a whole. The U.S. government, like any institution…

Off-Topic Discussion - Is it ever OK to assassinate a political leader? by GianMarco#10

@GianMarcoDorio I believe that, fortunately, the structure of the U.S. government would prevent a bonafide, de facto tyrant from exercising his or her political will as President. I don't think that w…

Off-Topic Discussion - Is it ever OK to assassinate a political leader? by GianMarco#7

"I was recently reflecting on how Donald Trump, President of AMERICA, has a most unique ability to divide the United States. It seems as though very rational people love Trump, very crazy people love …
