
Search "user:Shalter"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Storm Sound(Suggestion)#14

Please, at least give us an option to choose between old and new sounds. This new sound is terrible. It makes me feel distracted and uncomfortable for some reason that I can't explain. I have to turn …

Lichess Feedback - Bersrek#2

I have the same problem, I can't find the berserk button anywhere. If I click on three dots only options I have are give 15 seconds and abort game, which are both features that are used in non-tournam…

Crazyhouse World Championship - 2nd CWC Sign-Ups#216

Im in

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 43737 #1 In this puzzle, last move is questionable in my opinion. I don't see what's the difference between Rf5 or rook to any other square where it won't get captured aft…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 1152#7

I agree with Bonifratz, Qxf7 is also a winning move. You go that far to get to the winning position and then Qxf7 is wrong although after trading queens you also win a pawn on c6. Qh7 is better becaus…
