
I just created a new opening

@Akbar2thegreat said in #11:
> Depends on the position. You can't generalise it!

I thought it was pretty obvious I was referring to that specific position. In any case let me clarify: f6 is quite possibly the most anti positional move in that position.
@TheRoyalPlayer said in #12:
> I thought it was pretty obvious I was referring to that specific position. In any case let me clarify: f6 is quite possibly the most anti positional move in that position.
But you can't refer to one specific position always when there are trillions of positions!
@Akbar2thegreat said in #13:
> But you can't refer to one specific position always when there are trillions of positions!

I don’t see how the fact that there are trillions of chess positions implies we can’t talk about a specific one.... But this is becoming more of a discussion about basic logic than chess
@TheRoyalPlayer said in #14:
> I don’t see how the fact that there are trillions of chess positions implies we can’t talk about a specific one.... But this is becoming more of a discussion about basic logic than chess
This is chess logic only not anything else. I just said it simply so what's troubling you?
Seems more to me that your opponent created a new opening by playing 3.f6 :)
@sgtlaugh said in #16:
> Seems more to me that your opponent created a new opening by playing 3.f6 :)
But even that's not new!
I mean I could say 1.d4 g6 2.e4 Nh6 3.Bf4 is new opening like literally no one plays f6 or Qe7
@Alancheng said in #19:
> I mean I could say 1.d4 g6 2.e4 Nh6 3.Bf4 is new opening like literally no one plays f6 or Qe7
Meh, that London with g6 Nh6 looks horrible, try 1.e4 c5 2.f4 Nh6.

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