
about cheaters

Try playing casual games at or above your rating no provisional ratings. maybe look at opponents page and see if anything looks "funny"

Example I will play any body above my rating casual but not blitz (20 minutes or longer correspondence)

I think you are missing the point. But that is okay. Just play chess, and enjoy the game. At this point there is nothing that can be done about cheating. I am sorry for any misunderstandings.
I dont think having "a device that allows cheating" on the computer is a problem at all.

I have several engines installed, many ppl do. and probably every titled player has at least one for sure.

thats not the problem. the problem is using it against other players and it doesn´´´t seem like redgiraffe did that from what he said.
"Between the quotes are your words as English probably not your native language it is slightly understandable."
"But that leaves the fact you installed a device that allows cheating ."
Hey @Stephenson IMO @RedGiraffe 's english is better.
Just sayin

Also, I doubt people are cheating at 1337 (Your rapid rating).
@RedGiraffe can you post the game where you resigned after 4 moves? I couldn't find it in your past games. Also you should be marked since you admitted to using computer assistance. I have reported you.
@NeverBeenTimid I never logged in. lichess actually detected the chess bot application, which is good to know. Should I repeat this again: was not cheating, I was discovering for my own knowledge how the chess bot worked. I quickly resigned the guest game, and no harm was done.

You know the issue here is, we are all so confused by being slaughtered by someone rated 150 points below our rating, and then, because these chess engines are so easily used we all feel cheated. It is difficult to play chess just for fun while this issue clouds our judgement.

You can look at my account. I lose all the time, and sometimes the losses are blunders and stupid tactical mistakes with standard openings. I, like you, know that losing is part of playing chess. Some others....
RedGiraffe you said to look at your account so I did, not counting games were you or your opponent resigned I just do not see what your "worried about"
My suggestion play no one rated below you (example accept only games from 50 points below you to 150 points above) If you are still worried play casual games "cheaters" will not accept them. You do play for fun don't you?

I am not sure I understand you. I don't get the point you are making. The point I am making, is that the process of internet chess is susceptible to cheating on many ways. Even if you win, there is still this bizarre question mark that exists in our minds of who we are actually playing. I do not care how open source this web site is, and open source is bullsht anyway, the question mark above your head during a winning streak, losing streak, is what exactly is going on during these game. The only true chess game would be a sit down, eyeball to eyeball game, but even then we have caught discussion in bathrooms and such. It is a problem in the chess world that must be addressed or it will destroy the game as we know it.

Truly, on this site, I don't care anymore. It is something I do between writing music, when I cannot stand looking at a music staff for another 3 hours.

I do play for fun, but I do enjoy a true game.
I do not have that question when I play! (win or lose)
If cheaters exist I do not believe it is my job to give them free rent in my head.
I do set my seeks to 50 points below my rating-200 points above)
However if I was able to play a titled player I would play casual) Their are exceptions up

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