
about the grunfeld

#11 I don't know much, but from like 3-4 classical games I watched it looks like you're around 1400-1450~ FIDE. Results say the same.

It's only way to check the level of an online player so I do not know why you are asking that.
The most common way to avoid grunfeld is starting with 1. Nf3. If your opponent plays standard Nf6-e6 etc. you'll be able to transpose back to d4 mainlines, but if he tries to play grunfeld, you go 1. Nf3 2. c4 3. Nc3 4. e4 forcing him to go into KID. There are some differences to a regular d4 opening repertoire mainly that you have to reckon with 1. ... c5 and you need to play Nf3 lines of QGD or Catalan.

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