

Thanks gg22hh99 for your answer. So sakram07, what would be your answer to my question #27, if you care to share it?
Answer to #27. I do not PARTICULARRY care about this. I would not be against sticking them together, as science is usually not good enough to tell if something is happening for cultural or for genetic reasons. Though distinguishing them will be important in the future debates when science has progessed.

I do not talk with people who use no arguments, but only call the extremists out of the air, so I will just ignore gg22hh99 from now.
Can you explain why you think it will be important when science has progressed?
For the same reason anything is important. People are very Curious. Why did we send a rocket to the moon? Why did we make so many expensive experiments regarding physics and chemistry? Why did we invent sociology? People want to know the truth. About everything.
Sakram07: I thought you had some extra-scientific reason to be concerned about this, and I was ready to show you that your stake doesn't hinge on the genetic/cultural distinction. But since it's only the scientific interest, I have nothing to add. I might just say that your attitude on the forum doesn't make this pure interest for the truth very obvious. On the contrary you come across as someone with very strong opinions on a very particular topic on which we know very little.

gg22hh99: Contrary to Sakram07, you have a clear extra-scientific stake. You think that propagating such ideas might make discrimination against Black Americans even worse, after all they have suffered throughout the centuries.

However your attitude, which consists in trying to police the discussion, is weak, because it contributes no relevant content to the discussion and yet claims to impose an opinion and silence the contrary opinion, which people are unlikely to accept.

A better approach might be to insist that statistics are irrelevant to individual cases anyway. Or that whatever the genetic part, the social or cultural parts are very large as well. Or that intelligence is a very vague notion and there is a multitude of different mental skills, and if some group is statistically better at a particular skill others are better at some other skill. Or even that intelligence is irrelevant to the respect due to a human being.
Some topics are regarded politically incorrect for good reason. Racial genetic superiority is one of them. Google 'eugenics' for example. Its one of those areas which has the capacity to provoke a strong emotional response. If your society, culture, community or your race hasn't been negatively impacted by it, you might want to debate it in a purely dry intellectual way (like you JacquesD and others seem to want to). If however, one or one's community has been on the receiving end or has seen or read enough about history to know that such concepts if they become popular or widespread or the prevailing view, then you can imagine that one might be coming from a different perspective into such a debate.

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