
"En passant" with knight

Interesting. In the days when the pawns could only move one square at a time, Black would not have been able to play 5...d5. Instead, if that pawn was played, it would have moved to d6. So the Knight move by White would have captured the pawn.
There must have been conversations back then about how to handle the new rule for allowing a first move of a pawn to move two squares. There would be many such captures possible based on this logic. We ended up with only a pawn being able to capture en passant.
10 plies. must have looked at the URL where plies often specify where in the SAN sequence a position is.
and the op is questioning the lack of generalization to any piece of the rule creators. If one is to think that pawns are peasants, one might find it funny in the social order of things that a knight would have less opportunities to prevent the war primed peasant gong ho faster advance (my understanding of the 2 square thing: hey war is not horrible yet, we just heard the glorious speech from the court, might even have been sanctified and all).

Because, yes, why not generalize the en passant counter quirk mobility quirk to all pieces. When was that time transition from steady peasants to deluded ones?
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