
Everything you want to know about Lichess v2

Long URLs in posts interfere with the correct visualization of the forum in my mobile browser (Safari): whenever I move to a page that contains a long URL, the text goes outside the window and I am forced to zoom out. I wonder whether there’s a way of fixing that.
I checked out the new version during the weekend and I really like it. I already got used to the bigger fonts, it actually looks nice on bigger screens with 1080p. And I love the new mobile version of the website! It's great that you can access all features with mobile devices now. Considering all the negative feedback (and partly inappropriate tone) I would like to thank @thibault and his team for the good work!
But of course there are stil some bugs or details to improve. These things I noted while using the mobile version of V2 (Android, on Chrome and CM Browser):

- If you read the forum you only can browse page by page. There is no option to navigate to the end of the discussion, you only can go to the next page.
- On correpondence games I miss the analysis board including the opening explorer (maybe even conditional pre-moves)
- It seems like it's not possible to browse the moves of a runnig game with the arrows? If I want ot go back to check the last few moves I have to click the according notation. I think it would be nice and easier to handle if you have the arrow to go back.

Until the "analysis board missing from correspondance games" bug is fixed, be aware that this is only the case on mobile in portrait mode. Rotate to landscape mode to get the row of icons, including the analysis button, to appear, select analysis mode, then return to portrait. Repeat to get the `'return to game' button back. Note that this addresses your third bullet point too.
Using iPhone iOS 12.2 the Safari browser .

How to delete moves in a study? Selecting the move doesnt work because of the iOS "cut and paste" method kicks in.

I am using Firefox 58 on linux and the new board is unplayable. The default display has the pieces floating over the wrong squares or half way between. Using the resize tool, I can make make the pieces line up with squares, on a board with only seven rows. The resize tool keeps square widths fixed, while allowing board size to change, so using it just cuts ranks off and makes the pieces overlap.

The new version is broken and needs to be reverted, but I also echo many peoples views that the design changes intended to favour touch screens do not look good on the computer (fat buttons are an in-elegant waste of space when you have a large display and a mouse).
" Firefox 61+ gets full support
Chromium/Chrome 60+ gets full support
Opera 55+ gets reasonable support
Edge 17+ gets reasonable support
Safari 10.1+ gets reasonable support
Internet Explorer is no longer supported
Exotic browsers like Brave are supported if they have a modern rendering engine"

Install the latest firefox!
How do I see online friends and their current games on mobile?

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