
Instant ban for declining a match

@Kuphel said in #11:
> @NoJoke but does Lichess care about ranking balance in those games? For example if you avoiding black against stronger opponents only (or weaker, I don't know what would be better) does lichess take that into
don't ping a mod
@Autofill said in #5:
> Sometimes I accidentally start a game when i didnt mean to, a ban for one abort is too excessive
I agree with #2.
If that player had no intention to abort the game:
1. Just thought too slow on the first move and the timer ran out
2. If the player was doing something else while waiting for the game and forgot about it.
3. Maybe just accidentally clicked the abort button, not knowing what it does or it was a mouse-slip (this is rare, though)
I agree with agree with that, but it doesn’t ban you for aborting once.
@lucky_Nan said in #17:
> Maybe just accidentally clicked the abort button, not knowing what it does or it was a mouse-slip (this is rare, though)
I have done that at least 5 times in my life.
@NoJoke said in #8:
> Aborting to avoid black games doesn't work. Lichess will just give you more black games to balance it out.

But it may work to dodge unfavored openings. Lets say the opponent focuses solely on 1.e4 openings and whenever 1.d4 or 1.c4 is on the board, they just abort. I once had noticed such a pattern when I checked an opponents games after I was annoyed by series of abortions in my games as white. However, this is an anectdotal observation, it would be interesting to know if Lichess cares about/detects such systematic behaviour.
@Kuphel said in #1:
> Sometimes it is really depressing that after playing game as black, someone is deciding to abort a game as black vs me and i am again as black.

You've played 850 games on lichess from the Pool (the quick pairing buttons on the main page). Of those, 427 (50.2%) have been as White, and 423 (49.8%) have been as Black.

The lichess pairing system is aware of your aborted games, and works to pair you to have an even number of games. While being aborted on is annoying, it is not going to affect the ratio of games you play as White or Black.

Your player insights ( are not public, so it's not easy to see how your average opponent rating varies with side, but I would expect you would find them to be quite similar.

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