
Lichess chat system - status

Please leave it open to the public. If you must, set it so only veteran members (100 games+) have access to it.
The new "chat" is great !!

The only issue is it took me some time to see I could add a team as a channel .. maybe this could be highlighted or explain in some way

A improvement could be to create a channel with more than one friend (for example if we want to comment a game with players and some spectators or friends) ... there is a way to do it by creating a team but it is not good to add a team just for that ..

Thanks again for your nice job Thibault
"You may want to take a look at:
It's an addon for FireFox that will make the top bar take up less space. It's perfect for screens with limited space."

Having the top bar take up less space sounded like an awesome idea- however when you
go to that addon page it's not what it says it does. It actually combines the address bar and the tab bar, which would be pretty bad for someone who usually has like 50 tabs open :P
But you gave me the idea that perhaps there *might be* an addon out there that really does do something about the miles of wasted space of the top bar( ) so I'm gonna check around for it. If you can think of any in the meantime please let me know ; )
Dear thibault,

Thank you sooooooo much for listening to the masses pertaining to this important matter reguarding the funcitonality of simplistic chat design feet chures. Holy McCow my entire life was upside down in the few moments I thought this centralized location of communication wherein I get all my vitamins social and chess fap was lost to the strange maze of clicking on an arrow and reading a little bit. My life is now improved one million times over because of you doing this and making. Now here is a list of things I dent like about the new chat even though you are dismembering it as we (or I and many others) speek:

1. weird
2. too much clicks
3. heavy flow around that time of the month
4. reading words
5. i like my water bowl to stay in one place forever


Boobs, I love you.

Leader of Lichess Team: Chaotic Neutral Warrior Poets
All kidding aside, a designated chat page with all of the new features you've worked on isn't a bad idea.

Having a designated page would lead the feature to become under-used and redundant.

(I don't know the rest of this for sure, but...)
The in-game, spectator and TV chats will be put back where they were. If it remains at all, the chat overlay will remain only for player<->player, and player<->team communication. Recent improvements to the chat may suggest that it will hang around.

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