
Fly fishing

Spoons I like kastmaster and Thomas.made a trout lure out of a toenail clipper once.worked really well.rather catch a small cat,they fight a bit.i think I've got like 60 trout lures but I only use 5-6 tried and true
Pfluger reels.light and ultra light rod's just a 5 piece crystal river 5 in southern AZ. So every trip is an riggs flat lake(you can Google it). pretty little lake at 8500ft. elevation.brown,rainbow a few the taste of brown trout right out of the lake(cooked of course). everything tastes better Rose Canyon lake,Apache, Patagonia, Parker Canyon.just gave away a lot of tackle to some young know how it is,you accumulate so much over the years and may as well pass the joy on.
Always was an outdoors man, hiking, camping, rappelling, caving etc. And to me there's nothing better than passing that love need to experience campfires and starlight and the real world of nature and wildlife.
I always loved first light in the wilderness and just listening to the world wake up.

I'm in Tucson btw
Actually, I never liked fishing much myself. :) Anyway, his name was Jack Ellis and he wrote about Sunfishes (and Bassin' with a Fly Rod).
Never read him.found him on Google grew up in Montana I to get up there.sometimes I guess the passions of our fathers are not our own.sure seems like a cool guy!!
Ok, please don't talk about fish anymore cuz I'm getting hungry......
Fish sticks,chips and fish,fish on a dish,fried fish,baked fish,smoked fish,battered fish,sushi,salmon almondine,fish tacos,cod delight... Oh sorry I thought you said talk about fish some more.
Your father's name is Mr. Ellis but you're called Mr. Pushwood. I still believe you are his son.
Me too.
Sometimes I just tie something and see if it works.
Sometimes it does.
Seems like the presentation is the important thing.
I don’t fly fish, just a question though. What kind of crazy person finds fun in fishing for the disgusting insect that is flies?

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