
Search "user:Seimatrap"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is it considered an offense to propose a rematch after a win?#2

I don't see how it would be considered an offense

Game analysis - The most beautiful mate ever#4

It's pretty, but it's also very very standard so nothing too special there. I've mated like this dozens of times.

General Chess Discussion - Why do you take away points and sets the man as cheater? #3

I'm interested of how cheaters are detected. Of course I understand that the exact method may be kept secret, but I hope it's not just a matter of looking at lichess' computer analysis and see that on…

General Chess Discussion - I'm a jerk#4

I don't see any rules been broken here so no need to ban anyone.

Lichess Feedback - Tournament standings#1

Hi. I noticed that if you look at the standings in tournament, let's say players A and B have the same score and they both are #1 in the standings. Now player C has less points but just behind players…

Lichess Feedback - Speech Recognition for making moves#17

I might be too drunk but I fail to see the benefit of this.

General Chess Discussion - Lichess and ICC FIDE ratings and cheating - How are they related?#5

I do have to confess, back in the days in 90's when the Internet was a brand new thing, I used to play in and it did have ratings system implemented even then. I was quite young then and …

General Chess Discussion - Lichess and ICC FIDE ratings and cheating - How are they related?#4

I've played about 20000 games in FICS and only once or twice I've felt I've played against a computer, which I duly reported. Already I've encountered many which I felt was cheating in lichess :/
