
Why the Opposition to Draws?

Toutatis, what part of "distracting your opponent" don't you understand?

These ridiculous draw offers almost always come when I'm trying to find the right move in an extremely complex position and I'm under time pressure so every second counts.

Maybe you didn't understand when I explained this before. Why should I play chess with the 1% of chess players who intentionally distract me when I could be playing with the other 99% who would never do this.

You disagree. Nobody cares.
What about allowing ppl to disable draw offers altogether? (Just like it can be done with takebacks.)
Surely that would be more convenient than manually blocking everyone who offers a draw against you? (Aside from the fact that you risk considerably longer waiting times in the lobby in the long run...)

I certainly would not use that feature as I m usually amused by those draw "offers" (or "beggings"?) in lost positions, rather than being distracted...
But it seems like Mr BobC would appreciate it, so why not?
I think lichess should, at least, tone down the draw offer graphic so that its not so intrusive. It flashes up on the screen like an annoying pop up ad :-(

I agree with BobC that such a distraction disrupts your concentration and could cost you the game.


Oops! Sorry blueberrymania, In your comments on the game in question when you said "no draw was offered", I thought you were referring only to your opponent i.e. that he would not offer you a draw.

My mistake :-(

Pleeease forgive me :-)
This convo is hillaryous. If you offer a draw once, you're a quitter and I will never play with you again. But if you resign... you're not a quitter?

First of all, site shouldn't show you a draw offer during the middle of your turn anyways. The rule should be that your draw offer comes with a move you make, so the opponent should see it on the beginning of their turn. In Blitz though you might pre-move or be ready to move the second after you see their move and you might miss the draw offer, so how would you prefer it? Seeing the draw offer in the middle of _their_ turn seems like a reasonable improvement, for blitz.

Second, if the draw offer is too subtle, players will miss it, but if it is distracting, that's not appropriate either. If you think it's too distracting you should propose an improved version and campaign for it.

Third, punishing opponents by blocking them when all they did was use features of the site exactly as allowed and intended is ridiculous. This seems like abuse of the block feature. If some form of excessive or cleverly timed draw offer is improper then we should design ways for this abuse to not be profitable. Off the top of my head, we could make the first draw offer show up but after that "Further Draw Offers Will be Hidden..." and a "Stop Hiding Draw Offers" button.
#47, what part of "These ridiculous draw offers almost always come when I'm trying to find the right move in an extremely complex position and I'm under time pressure so every second counts." don't you understand?
@BobC Maybe the reason they come at a complex position is because your opponent thinks it's a drawn position.
These people knew they had a lost game. They were trying to distract me. Civilized people (99% of the people here) don't do that. There is no reason to tolerate it.

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