
Why the Opposition to Draws?

Bob Bob Bob.. *shakes head*

First of all... using the ratings card is pretty low. And kinda the last desperate resort somebody uses in an argument (if he happens to be higher rated). Very childish and lacks class.

Second, even your point about Fischer is wrong. He usually didn't like GM draws true, but he drew many many positions that had alot of play left (like every other GMs).
What comes to mind right off the bat are his 3 draws against Petrosian in Curacao 62. One of those games he was even better, but he offered the draw... (imagine that!)

Mr. Cafe, apparently you think you're my mother.

However you gave me a good chess book recommendation which I appreciate. It arrives today.
If a higher rating comes with an ego as big as yours, I'll gladly keep mine where it is.
lol, bob is insane. Talking like he's some sort of a GM with a 1960 rating on here. I don't disagree that your opponent offering draws on your time is bad sportsmanship (in fact, I'd say opponents should only be able to offer draws during their time or within 2 seconds of making their move) but blocking people for that is absurd, and your ego is even more so. I know 2500s who are 25x more humble than you. Please just recede into your hole.
Never ending harassment and abusive comments. The crybabies never stop crying.

I will block anyone I want for any reason. If you don't like that then shove it. I don't understand why you crybabies think this is a BFD that must be attacked relentlessly. You people need to grow up and get a life.

It's interesting that you crybabies can't be bothered to be a patron of this fantastic place.
#86 Blocking people for offering draws does make you a crybaby. And claiming that we're "harassing" you and sending abusive comments makes it more clear that it is you, in fact, who is the crybaby.
Every comment you write, for me and for everyone else, is for one reason only. Being an annoying pest makes you happy. You are either a child or you act like a child. You obviously have no life.

Did you see what I wrote in #86. That was for you. You think what I wrote is a BFD that must be attacked relentlessly.

What you have is a mental illness. Grow up or shut up.

You have been here 8 months and you have played only 43 games. You're not here to play chess. You're only interested in attacking people.
#89 Note my name: tacticsaccount. I only use this account for tactics, not playing. Make up your mind. You can't both complain about being harassed and also lash out at somebody who questions you on blocking somebody for offering a draw. You also seem to believe that you are smarter than the others here who dare to disagree with your points, and you clearly have a massive ego regarding your ability. I don't care that much. I figured I'd make my point that blocking people for offering a draw is idiotic, and then I saw your massive ego regarding your rating, etc. If you can't take that, you shouldn't be on the internet.

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