
Learn from your mistakes.

The tool isn't based on cpl loss alone (which the inaccuracy and mistake stat is). It takes into account your winning chances. Meaning that since your position always was winning (you made no mistake that would compromise your win) you didn't really make any mistakes that would need fixing.
It's like tactics trainer based on my own games! Great feature!
@Tangelo777 : yes and funny fact : a recurrent question about training is "how can I find puzzles taken from my games?". Done. Love you so much lichess.
Excellent feature! This is THE thing I need to improve my games. Seeing your mistakes with the computer analyses is already incredible, but this is a whole different story!

Thanks Lichess devs!
The only bad thing is that the box that came up which allowed you to navigate the alternate moves via keyboard alone is now gone . I loved that box
@jimj12 Maybe it's getting improved. It was quite poorly implemented, in my opinion.

Regarding the new option, it truly is amazing. The placement of the "Learn from your mistakes" button, however, is a bit off. I hope they place it elsewhere, or at least put a decent-sized margin box around it (breathing space).
The only improvment I would see would be to disable the suggestion arrows before jumping into the "learn from your mistakes" stuff ; once a game has ended I like to first review it all, and those arrows clearly indicates me what I should have do. But that is maybe too tough to implementate

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