
Show refutation to incorrect puzzle move

Puzzles should show the refutation to my move when it's wrong, not the alternative that I should have played. The question at the front of one's mind after playing an incorrect puzzle move is "What's wrong with my move?", not "What other move could I possibly have played?"
Why don't you simply turn on the engine and see what would it play?
@mkubecek said in #2:
> Why don't you simply turn on the engine and see what would it play?
It's not simple. In addition to turning the engine on, you have to rewind to the start of the puzzle, then play your move(s) again, then wait to see the engine's refutation. That is inconvenient and time-consuming compared to seeing the solution move, which Lichess currently shows you automatically and instantly when you click View the Solution.
You have to go back one move. Then you wait for the engine.
Note: You would have to wait for the engine anyway, because it would be very difficult to save the refutation of any possible wrong move somewhere within the puzzle.
@sheckley666 said in #4:
> because it would be very difficult to save the refutation of any possible wrong move somewhere within the puzzle
Refuting all first moves (lines of depth 1) would be a vast and welcome improvement over the current situation, even if turning on and waiting for the engine were required for all deeper refutations, and it would not be very difficult.
@White-is-Overpowered said in #5:
> it would not be very difficult.

if you know that it would not be very difficult, then you can create a pull request.