
Donald Trump Vs Hilary Clinton

The protesters might change the system. Hillary Clinton tries to cheat again and become the President after losing the election.
That shouldn't sound surprising, are you keeping up with the news regarding Brexit? Unfortunately, our judges have decided our Houses of Parliament now have to debate whether or not to accept the outcome of our referendum, effectively telling us our vote didn't count. Remember the Irish had to vote twice because it was decided the first vote gave the wrong answer?
It almost seems us voters are only here to confirm to the political establishment what they already know. I remember the good old days when politicians were meant to stand for what we told them. Now it would seem the tick on the ballot paper is just affirmation of how they think our countries should be run.
This isn't like Brexit. More people voted for Brexit. But more people voted for Hillary.
It's entirely like Brexit. The rules of the game are laid down and the outcome is more and more likely to be subverted because more and more, the vote doesn't go in the way of the established system. I'm not a big fan of the 'college' system either but until now, when it's worked in politician's favour, there has been little want from them to do anything about it. Funny eh?

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