
Continue the story: Cats have taken over Lichess!

(With a good ole "stop in the name of the paw")

But wait...lichess is awesome...why arrest my favorite people???
said Jacob531, frustrated and angry while looking at the announcement on Lichess Off-Topic Forum where an obscure player known as cat_person announced that he had taken over Lichess and that several players had been arrested by the Feline Defense Force for the Crime against Felines.
Cats decided to control all people in lichess,dogs became angry.
The dogs lost their big army, but still didn't lose hope! Their leader, dog_person summoned their ally, the wolves! Little did cat_person know about what was coming for him when...
, shouted the angry canid soldiers who were suddenly attacked by the 13th Feline Mechanized Brigade and the 107th Wing of the Feline Air Force.
Win or lose, it was no contest.
Antimatter was going down as we all know. A mere reiteration of that war couldn't possibly alter its outcome.
said cat_person, smiling as he pushed the red button and killed all the canids surrounding the prison using antimatter weapons after evacuating all felines and prisoners using helicopters.

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