
Search "user:geroronimo"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Round Robin Tournament#54

Regarding Regarding comment #51 from @bufferunderrun: I understand that implementing and maintaining code for alternative tournament formats is challenging for a free server that relies on voluntary w…

Lichess Feedback - Round Robin Tournament#34

Yes, please add support for swiss and round robin! I do organize a weekly tournament in our club for those who don't want to play the arena format (as arena has a lot of shotcomings, especially when t…

General Chess Discussion - Swiss chess tournament on lichess#11

We have tried doing it "manually". I put up a videostream and used our local software to set up the tournament. The players challenged each other. It kinda worked. But it was very cumbersome, and a au…

Lichess Feedback - Swiss Tournament#4

I would love swiss (and round robin) as an option. Our club has moved online now due to the Corona crisis, and Lichess is the prefered place to be. But the lack of swiss and round robin is a serious d…

General Chess Discussion - Swiss chess tournament on lichess#5

Swiss and round robin would not exclude arena, but be an importaint supplement. After our club has moved online due to Corona, Lichess is the prefered place to be. But the lack of automated swiss and …

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