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548 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - [bug report] chess clock #1

I have my chess clock set to always show 'tenths of seconds' but it doesn't work until time is <10 seconds As an aside, lag compensation seems to be working well today, not sure why that is since my p…

General Chess Discussion - Can you find the win in this puzzle?#6

@mCoombes314 I think white can if he eats all the bishops and promotes

General Chess Discussion - Can you find the win in this puzzle?#4

@mCoombes314 In the article it says the win is only by tricking black. The writer clearly didn't know enough about chess to realise it would just confuse people

General Chess Discussion - Chess riddle #6

@mCoombes314 I think that analysis board engine one is run locally on your computer Mine has been stuck on depth 56 for ages at -28 eval Edit: After actually playing out a 50-move draw, the local anal…

General Chess Discussion - Chess riddle #4

@mCoombes314 “But, for a computer, the puzzle requires an enormous number of calculations, far too many for even today’s supercomputers.” Sounds like you have the most advanced supercomputer in the wo…

Lichess Feedback - Impossible to claim draw by 3-fold repitition#4

I tried it and it seems that if your opponent's move was the 3rd repetition, you are safe to draw But if your move was the 3rd repetition, your opponent can cancel it by moving quickly The 2nd scenari…

Lichess Feedback - [bug report] Game incorrectly classified as draw.#12

@reddish I don't know about documentation but if you had done a search on the forum, you would have found hundreds of posts about it

General Chess Discussion - How ratings relate to statistical chances of winning a game?#19

@Physicist1993 What you said first was, and I quote, "so if 2 players are rated 1500 each then I would expect it to be a 50/50 they should be evenly matched" I pointed out that this was wrong and expl…

General Chess Discussion - How ratings relate to statistical chances of winning a game?#16

@Physicist1993 That's not what you said in your first post at all

General Chess Discussion - Really strange: 83 lichess players did't see scholar's mate in one move.#3

I think games that end in 4 moves must not make it into the opening explorer So you can only see the ones that failed, and not the thousands that no doubt have succeeded P.S. Your English is fine
