
chess 960 topic with beer and pot

It seemed a pretty rational suggestion to me?
Ok not as rational as "never have a grudge unless ur playing on the transhuman highwayy 666" , but still......
i personally prefer heineken before carlsberg. And I gave up pot long time ago. But 960 and crazyhouse are the place to be.

the green Bavaria is also pretty good. but hard to find nowaday where i live. Don't know what is it with Holland beer but my taste is somehow there
I LOVE being trolled =D but anyway, I have seen storms greater than those man-made by American weather stations in Alaska......fact or not? you will never know becos HAARP is a maximum security huuge weather station , that can create a monsune , hurricanes, lightning.....You will never know....

Alcohol, I once for 3 months ago bought a champagne named , oh no i forgot....but it costs 350 dollars, and i shared it with my friend who always supported me in my bad times, and we made each other laugh becos we were so different, yet very alike. He told me that throughout all life people was making fun of him and they mocked and ridiculed him, and I hope to my deepest heart that I have made him see the light when we had those drinking binges into long hours. And the champagne was a big dissappointment, it tasted bland and without any distinctions from a 30 dollar champagne :)
Come with rational suggestion, formed into my psychology......or at least drink beer right now!
you want a rational suggestion, or a subjective statement formed into your psychology? If I start being rationak are you sure you are cabable of handling it?
Cmon I was teasing you a bit,it's just that , the things you write make me laugh and I mean it in a good way
But seriously drop alcohol. Coffee> beer, other than that keep being you
Its great to have alcohol amognst friends :) alcohol has always been the philosophical discussion starter since the birth of the roman empire, or whatever....Did you know that The Greeks got wildly drunk and engaged in Homosexual acts what defines us from past then.....Nothing!! I am happy that i never turned gay, maybe in the future , General A.I will generate an all purpose gender.....Or maybe it will just kill us all becos of spam, a good way an A.I made from spacey computers is that it can generate anything......
What THE .... !
What is this ? Can someone PLEASE tell me what is going on here ? What are they talking about ? Chess 960 ? philosophical ballad ? Asking to join ANTIFA ? Psychology ? Drugs, Beers ? A.I ? Greek mythology ? transhuman highwayy 666 .....
These guys just mind f..ed me.
Here is my effing rational suggestion, please explain to me this one thing rationally. What this rational topic is all about ? Rational


maybe you should just quit doing dxm because you seem to have minor brain damage

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