
Vote for your favorite lichess features

The final round of the first bracket has just started. The winner of the first bracket will be announced within 4 days.
The winner of the first bracket is "Several kinds of competitions"
The possibility to join different sorts of competitions, like leagues, matches, and knockout competitions. Players can for example participate in an on-going football style league system (in addition to their normal games). Imagine divisions of anywhere from 10-20 players/teams, with promotion and degradation. This includes the possibility of team matches (with solutions for players who are in several teams), where the team leader has to choose the board order, where the team results are shown, and where the team player (who has played all of his/her games of the match) with the highest Percentage Score gets crowned Player of the Match of team "A". Team tournaments and leagues that teams can participate in would also be very interesting. An example of a chess league:
Not surprised in the slightest, it's what I voted for too!
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Lichess todo popularity bracket #2 is now online!

Lichess todo popularity bracket #1 got 660 votes, hopefully we can even go past 1000 votes with this one. The rounds end a little bit sooner; round one ends within 5 days, the other rounds end within 3 days. The ranking (combined score of bracket #1 and bracket #2) of the feature requests will be announced before the end of February.

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Will you decide which feature requests make it to the next round? With 161 votes, only one 100% score is left and several options are very close to each other. This round will end within 20 hours.
Round 2 has started. Hopefully more players will start voting because the second bracket is supposed to be more important than the first bracket, but it is getting less votes.

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