
Vote for your favorite lichess features

You can still vote. 272 votes so far. Lichess todo popularity bracket #1 got 660 votes, it would be great if we could at least get 340 votes in the second bracket so we get a total of more than 1000 votes (that shows to the developer of lichess that we really care about these features).
Round 4 has just started, only four options left and 292 votes so far. Everyone can still start voting (even if they haven't voted in the previous rounds).
This round is tough 4 me. I want both cheaters hell AND different kinds of tournaments. Shame only 1can win.
Yes, sometimes it's difficult to choose, but these two ideas will both be in the top of the list when I create the final ranking (a combination of the results of both brackets).
Less than 10 hours left to vote and only one more vote needed to get a total of 1000 votes (bracket #1 + bracket #2).

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