
Which is more logical 1.d4 or 1.e4?

#16 #17. Also I am steaming from my early chess days where that is pretty much all I would play from white.

I am thankful to the god fischer that I have never played the Italian, in fact I only recall some positions from the 2 knights defense which is what I only played against it (the short time I played 1...e5 until I reached 1500).

Anyways, the Italian Game is a wonderful opening which I woul play if everytime they would answer with Bc5 so I can explode the board with b4.
Hey the Evans gambit. I played it every time and lost a lot but then again I was 850 lichess LOL.
God (Fischer) played it and so I wanted to try it out. But I cant live without my Spanish.
Fischer changed his mind to d4 for a reason : ) ultimately, his reasoning is that d4 is more sound, because the pawn is defended by the Queen. e4 being undefended from turn 1 is a liability.
but e4 best by test!!!! :(

personally, i think d4 is harder to play against. it has something to do with that it's much harder for black to achieve the e5-break than it is for white to achieve e4, and white very often achieves at least a small space advantage out of the opening.
D4 leads to a more positional game while e4 leads to a more tactical game. With d4, the Pawn is protected by the Queen and the dark Bishop is freed. With e4, the pawn is undefended but two pieces (the light Bishop and Queen) are immediately freed. If you play e4 be prepared to launch a King-side attack as your pawns point in that direction and you will have more space in that sector.

I rarely play either of those moves these days as most opponents are very familiar with the resulting positions and will just be rattling off memorized computer lines. The sooner you can take them out of their familiar territory, the better.

I agree to you with the first part you said. In fact I won a game I would like to share with you guys if my victim could lent me his notation. It was a Meran Slav with a quick b4. I restrained like Nimzowitsch both e5 and not to say c5. He ended up in desesperation, moved his king's pawns and got checkamated. Maybe it was an inmortal zugzwang.

Now, to be honest with you I disagree on the second part. Which moves do you play then? And most people here dont play memorized computer lines, at least they dont play the serious one that go 20 moves deep, going out of theory it's risky, because to do so you have to make a not so good move.

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