
Search "user:Anon581"

52 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bug (or feature) in timezones#2 The "Activity" tab statistics are shown with the day starting at UTC+0, so your game played at 4 AM (yo…

Lichess Feedback - Is it a bug: the move I never made#9

@Motroskin said in #8: > My question here is to see if I am alone with such a situation, not to complain, trying to reconsider the results of the game, or any other crazy stuff like that. If I am alon…

Lichess Feedback - Is it a bug: the move I never made#7

@Motroskin said in #6: > it cam as a premove which I never did And you can't accept that it was likely an accidental MISCLICK on your part that you may have subconsciously not registered doing while y…

Lichess Feedback - Is it a bug: the move I never made#5

@Motroskin said in #1: > It came suddenly, like I set a premove Looking at the move times graph for that game, it does seem it was a premove. Says the move 16...Qe8 was made in 0.0 sec, probably a mis…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle racer attack?#14

Hi, I just tried this and the first run went fine but on the second run, the race seemed to start with everyone else playing and I was only being shown the default starting board position with no puzz…

Lichess Feedback - Moves not showing when you have computer analysis disabled and choose the engine's reccomendation#4

@EphemeralAdvantage said in #1: > This seems like a bug where disabling computer analysis does not allow the moves that the engine produced to show up in the text box on the right. I have never notice…

Lichess Feedback - Weird navigation#5

@Wasted_Youth By any chance, did you bookmark the Lichess homepage, on your browser, to be instead of simply ? The first link will auto open the "Cre…

Lichess Feedback - Cooked puzzle#1 The puzzle above has the cook 28...Qxe4 apart from the intended solution of 28...Bh2+ 29.Kxh2 Qxb5 I played 28...Qxe4 thinking that if 29.Qe8+ Kh7 30.Qf7+ Bg7 and it…

General Chess Discussion - Stuck at low level on Puzzle Storm#9

Don't beat yourself too much over it. Puzzle storm/racer are more about testing your intuition than deep calculation skills like traditional puzzles are for. Also, high scores on them can often be a l…

Lichess Beta Testers - Frequent reconnects, seemingly only on lichess#39

@schlawg said in #38: > So it does not help us to submit diagnostics until after failures happen. So I reverted back to the previous settings using the second link, and surprisingly enough, the reconn…
