
What is the point of playing bullet games?!

Being successful in Bullet is heavily using premoves. And this is poker.
i'm interested, as a non bulleteer, in why people play bullet. i'm assuming fun. that's why i play bullet's cousin, blitz. even though i suck, reek, stink at blitz. since blitz is significantly slower than bullet, i assume blitz helps your classical game more than bullet would. bullet is just so d*mn fast - it's like a different animal, at least to me. and blitz is fun for me cause you make mistakes, your opponent makes mistakes..someone wins.... in classical --- sometimes the first person to make a mistake, not a horrible one, but a clear mistake, and that's it. the rest of the game is just mop up...mistakes can be so dear in classical. that to me is why blitz is fun, and i assume, bullet too. and... i guess --- well, it's just blitz and bullet... it's not as big a deal as a hour or two hour or more game. those to me are big struggles.
Yeah but because slower games are struggles you need to be tougher. Not everyone has the strength to play real chess.
For me the red line is between Bullet and Blitz as far as training purposes is concerned. Blitz is a good compromise in my opinion, less poker than Bullet.
Even if blitz and bullet could be helpful in some way, there is definitely less room for them to help than actually playing chess.

They are basically stand alone chess variants!
does anyone else feel blitz/bullet is more CREATIVE than uh... real chess, i mean slower chess, and esp classical slow chess? i feel when i play slow chess, that the slower it is (up to correspondence) the deeper i can think, etc. but also, it just feels like you have to make the 'correct' the correct time... *and* don't make any mistakes - and by mistakes i mean little ones. if you make any mistake larger than a tiny one ---- omg. my next couple of hours are going to suck. but in blitz, seems much more intuition. but by intuition, i mean you can make pretty 'out there' (ie mistake) moves, but they can turn out surprisingly well, and pretty unexpectedly, down some crazy rabbit holes.. to me this is fun that's missing in classical games, and you better be pretty creative... i like this aspect of blitz (can't speak for bullet) --------- it can get pretty out there! i guess i'm assuming bullet is even more out there........maybe... idk.

interesting to hear from more bullet guys about bullet. i just assume bullet and blitz are pretty close to each other. closer than blitz and classical. but then maybe blitz and classical are more alike than blitz and bullet??? bullet to me is so alien.
It's not more creative, it's superficial and shallow. It's less about orchestrating something pretty and more about flinging things and hoping they stick.
Never cared for bullet. It's the throwaway of the game, its option of nonesense. A real waste of time.
Yeah u can learn

Fairwell bye


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